Feedback and Testimonials
Waitematā Local Board

Kia ora AUT Students
Thank you for supporting Sunday Blessings and giving students the opportunity to connect with our community.
Creating meaningful content by utilising our assignments to co-create new initiatives has not only fostered amazing friendship but has given a platform for knowledge sharing.
Seeing the positive impact of Sunday Blessings and the support of the AUT Business faculty has been a much loved part of my academic journey.
Once again, thank you!
AUT Business Faculty
Sonia Brodick
Student I.D. 17972757
I would like to thank you all not only for the opportunity to study at an innovative and socially conscious university but also the opportunity to connect with our local community through Sunday Blessings. I had always wanted to give back to those in need but didn't know how, AUT had opened the door to meaningful and rewarding connections. Smita inviting Danielle to speak in our Social Entrepreneurship class, lead to many great friendship with like-minded people and provided the opportunity to add real value through assessment and further community efforts.
There is so much more I can say, but thank you once again for the amazing opportunities that encourage and inspire students to affect positive change in our society.
AUT Business School
Kimberley Ouano
Student I.D. 0832111
Kia ora AUT Students
I have been serving food through Sunday Blessings since last year. My perspective of seeing the people in need became so different from before and my attitude to live in this community as well, itt has been more active to help people out as they can be my friends and family. Starting to gain a huge pleasure and happiness to help others. Thanks to Sunday Blessings and all members.
Working with Sunday Blessings has granted me with a sense of self-worth.
The skills which I have learnt from working beside this foundation without a doubt enriched my uni life- learning how to manage my time has tremendously aided me.
To be involved in a foundation such as this, assisting the community, helps me to not only understand my privilege but appreciate it, which in turn only fills me with more passion to continue to work with Sunday Blessings.